Is Endometriosis A Gut Issue?

endometriosis estrogen gut health

In short...maybe. Along with the immune system, the gut plays a massive role in endometriosis.

We have enough research showing that dysbiosis (an imbalance of gut flora) is involved in the onset AND progression of endometriosis. It also increases the amount of estrogen in the body, worsening symptoms that may already be present.

On top of that, dysbiosis increases inflammation in the body and for some, histamine (an immune response). Intestinal permeability, or "leaky gut," can allow toxins and bacteria to escape into the bloodstream, triggering immune responses that may influence endometriosis. That dynamic increases blood flow to endometrial lesions while also increasing pain perception.

We tend to think that with endometriosis, it's simply a hormone issue, but it's not. The gut has both estrogen and progesterone receptors - hormones are not isolated, they’re constantly moving throughout the body. This is why many women with endometriosis experience digestive issues, and conventional medicine may brush symptoms off as IBS. If you've got digestive issues especially around your cycle...I start to scratch my head.

The gut is also a MAJOR regulator of estrogen (aka the estrobolome) as certain bacteria are capable of allowing estrogen to recirculate. High levels continually allowed to recirculate can lead to endometriosis (and digestive issues especially around the cycle).

This is why stool testing is critical for those with endometriosis. Even with surgery (sorry ladies!), endometriosis can “return” because the root of the problem was never addressed. When you can rebalance the gut biome and calm the immune system, then we can decrease symptoms for good (and avoid regrowth of endometrial tissue).


Need more help optimizing gut health? Make sure to grab your free ebook "Girl, It's Your Gut" here.


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