Why You're Gaining Weight (it's not just calories)


I read an alarming statistic today, showing that the total of overweight and obese adults in the US is now at 73.6%. We're at an all time high, and numbers don't seem to be decreasing.

So what's changed to cause such an uptick? Is it just our food choices? Lack of movement? Or something else entirely?

Based on years of clinical experience, I think there are multiple factors at play ...

1. Yes, our food supply has changed. We have easy access to highly processed and refined foods, fast food, and we've moved away from whole foods with vibrant colors.


2. Dieting. The more we cut calories, the more we run the risk of rebound weight gain. Females on average need between 1600-2400 calories. Yeah...you read that right. The body needs at least 1200 calories just at rest to keep up with basic functions throughout the body.


3. Our circadian clocks are messed up (for the lack of a better term). The circadian clock is our main regulator of metabolism. So for my night owls or those that aren't getting adequate sunlight daily, that's hurting you.


4. Toxin overload. As each year goes by, the more toxins are added to our environment. It's a sad thing, but something we need to be cognizant of.


5. We're not moving our bodies enough. Many work desk jobs and by the time they get home, they're exhausted. We need at least 30 minutes of movement daily, even if that's just walking. 


6. We're depleted. This sounds similar to #1, but it's not the same. You can eat a "healthy" diet that's rich in whole foods, but still be lacking key nutrients either based on a lack of diversity in diet, or absorption issues.


7. Chronic stress. We know that stress impacts cortisol, which then impacts blood sugar, and then leptin...and then we're dealing with weight issues. We have a society of overworked and exhausted individuals.

Now I'm sure there are loads more to add to this, but these are pretty critical ones. And if more learned to master these, we'd see a decline in obesity.

Interested in learning more about how to optimize your health (namely gut and hormones)? I have two things to share:


- We discuss ALL aspects of health in my monthly membership. From emotional to metabolic to gut, you're covered. You can learn more here.

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